Enriches your child’s space with the La petite amie mural that sparkles with character. Inspired by mandala graphics combined with a doodle drawing technique, our designers created this fun yet elegant mural featuring a portrait of a young girl surrounded by flying butterflies of various shapes and sizes.
This unique wall decoration with bold lines and pastel background colours will draw the attention of everyone who enters the room. Easy to pair with a variety of interior styles, colour palettes, and themes, the La petite amie wallpaper mural will delight your little ones.
Premium quality 350 g wallpaper | Non-woven | Textured surface | Paste-the-wall application for easy installation | Water Resistant surface | Durable and Resistant to Damage.
Both delicate and grandiose, this floral pattern is so amazingly creative that you’ll find it difficult to believe that you’re not Alice in Wonderland and you’re not sitting in a field surrounded by gigantic roses climbing a brick wall. The Brick Roses wallpaper will definitely keep your room fresh and alive just as flowers are at the moment of full bloom.
Premium quality 350 g wallpaper | Non-woven | Textured surface | Paste-the-wall application for easy installation | Water Resistant surface | Durable and Resistant to Damage
We’ve turned letters into art and made them speak to you of elegance and style in zero seconds flat. Our Typography wallpaper mural with letters gracefully floating in space is the perfect choice for you if you want your guests to notice the design, not the wall itself.
Premium quality 350 g wallpaper | Non-woven | Textured surface | Paste-the-wall application for easy installation | Water Resistant surface | Durable and Resistant to Damage
This vibrant, geometric design, inspired by Romanian traditional patterns and motifs, will capture your eyes and spark your soul in less than no time. You simply can’t go wrong with this stunning Romanian Vibe wallpaper meant to add more personality and definition to your interior decor.
Premium quality 350 g wallpaper | Non-woven | Textured surface | Paste-the-wall application for easy installation | Water Resistant surface | Durable and Resistant to Damage
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