Colour | green, red |
270,00 lei
Celebrating nature, the Novellae wallpaper mural presenting a delicate tree crown with watercolour leaves and branches in natural colours is perfect for creating a calming space. This watercolour tree wallpaper mural, neutral and elegant, is an excellent fit in any room and pairing with a couple of furniture styles.
Premium quality 350 g wallpaper | Non-woven | Textured surface | Paste-the-wall application for easy installation | Water Resistant surface | Durable and Resistant to Damage.
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Victorian Garden
270,00 leiDetailsDelicate and charming, this wallpaper mural with gorgeously detailed floral patterns will create an amazing accent wall in your home. Let yourself daydream in a Victorian garden that arises out of the blue. Birds twittering, insects buzzing and classical music flowing from one balcony to another, isn’t it sublime?
Premium quality 350 g wallpaper | Non-woven | Textured surface | Paste-the-wall application for easy installation | Water Resistant surface | Durable and Resistant to Damage
270,00 leiDetailsIf you need a traditional yet modern twist for your interior decor, you can’t go wrong with this incredible Embroidery wallpaper mural that tells a never-ending story about the Balkan’s patterns and motifs. Use it as an excellent option to match all kinds of furniture and accessories in your office or living area.
Premium quality 350 g wallpaper | Non-woven | Textured surface | Paste-the-wall application for easy installation | Water Resistant surface | Durable and Resistant to Damage
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